Ossi di seppia, Eugenio Montale

Eugenio Montale,  Ossi di seppia,  Torino, 1928

The Fratelli Ribet of Turin was among the few publishers to collect the legacy of Piero Gobetti, who first published Ossi di seppia in 1925 in an edition of a thousand non-numbered copies, plus an indefinite number of de luxe copies. The Ribet edition, with six new lyrics, was drawn in four hundred and fifty numbered copies, plus twenty-two printed on handmade paper marked with the letters of the alphabet. The sample on show is the number two of the print run and comes from the collection of Aldo Palazzeschi, to whom Montale dedicated it "with admiration equal to affection" on 7 December 1928.


Humanities Library, Main Branch - Aldo Palazzeschi Collection

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