The Ten Books on Architecture

I dieci libri dell'architettura di M. Vitruuio tradotti et commentati da monsig. Daniel Barbaro ..., Venezia, 1584

The Italian translation of the De Architectura by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (1st century BC) by Daniele Barbaro (1513-1570) was first published in Venice in 1556 by Francesco Marcolini in folio format. The purpose of the work was to make accessible to architects who did not know Latin a reliable text, superior to that of the previous three Italian translations of Vitruvius published so far. Barbaro could use for this purpose the collaboration of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), not only for the drawings of the tables, but also for the commentary on the Vitruvian text.

A second edition of the work was published in 1567, in quarto format, with a new preface by Barbaro and the publisher Franceschi and with some new illustrations by Palladio. Our specimen is the re-edition of the 1567 version, published in Venice in 1584.

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