De verborum Vitruvianorum

Bernardino Baldi, De verborum Vitruuianorum significatione ... Accedit vita Vitruuij..., Augsburg, 1612

specimen bound together with:

Scamilli impares Vitruuiani...,  Bernardino Baldi, Augsburg, 1612

This is a study of the Vitruvian lexicon by Bernardino Baldi (1553-1617), architect, scholar and mathematician from Urbino. The text is accompanied by a Life of Vitruvio (Accedit vita Vitruuij ...). As a scholar of architectural lexicon, with this work commissioned by Duke Vespasiano Gonzaga, Baldi made an important contribution to understanding the treatise of Vitruvius. Our specimen is bound together with another work by Baldi, also of Vitruvian's theme, titled Scamilli impares vitruviani, in which he explores on a particularly obscure Vitruvian term and proposes an interpretation.

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